Flap Surgery

Flap Surgery

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Flap surgery, also known as periodontal flap surgery or gingival flap surgery, is a specialized procedure designed to treat advanced gum disease (periodontitis) and restore the health of your gums and supporting structures.

During flap surgery, our skilled periodontist will gently lift the gums away from the teeth to access and clean the roots and surrounding bone thoroughly. This allows us to remove plaque, tartar, and diseased tissue from below the gumline and smooth out any rough surfaces on the roots of the teeth.

Once the cleaning process is complete, the gums are then repositioned and secured back in place with sutures. This creates a tighter seal around the teeth and promotes the healing of the gum tissue.

Flap surgery is often recommended for patients with advanced periodontal disease who have deep pockets between their gums and teeth, as well as bone loss around the roots of their teeth. By addressing these issues, flap surgery can help prevent further progression of gum disease, reduce pocket depth, and improve overall gum health.

At YouDent Multi-speciality Dental Clinic, our experienced periodontal team is committed to providing comprehensive care to restore and maintain the health of your gums. If you have been diagnosed with gum disease or are experiencing symptoms such as gum recession, bleeding gums, or loose teeth, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. Contact us today at 7727834370 or email us at youdentdemo@gmail.com to learn more about flap surgery and how it can benefit you. Trust YouDent for expert periodontal care and personalized treatment solutions.

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